Functional and Semantic Features of the Personal Pronouns ԓўв and тав in the Khanty and Mansi languages
Moldanova Irina Maksimovna, Fedorkiv Lyubov Alekseevna
Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Researches and Development
Submitted: 29.08.2022
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to determine the functional and semantic features of the personal pronouns ԓўв and тав in the Khanty and Mansi languages. The study is novel in that it is the first to provide a deeper insight into the functioning of the personal third-person pronouns singular ԓўв and тав, using the material of the Ob-Ugric languages. It is shown that these word forms take part in the deictic, anaphoric function, as well as in the function of social deixis. The study discussed the issues of using the pronouns to refer to animals and the peculiarities of some subdialects of the Shuryshkar dialect of the Khanty language in terms of person-verb agreement. As a result of the analysis, the researchers have determined the scope of meanings and have described the features characteristic of the Ob-Ugric languages.
Key words and phrases: личное местоимение, хантыйский язык, мансийский язык, функционально-семантические особенности, personal pronoun, Khanty language, Mansi language, functional and semantic features
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