Expanding the Range of Opportunities of Compliance Exercise as One of the Factors in Discursive Competence Formation at the Lessons of Russian as a Foreign Language
Kostiuk Nina Alexandrovna
St. Petersburg University
Submitted: 17.10.2021
Abstract. The aim of this research is to develop the ways to modernize the technological type of exercise for compliance in order to improve the effectiveness of teaching Russian in a foreign-language audience. The article discusses the reasons and conditions for the complication and transformation of this type of exercise in relation to its functions and expression plan, and also analyses the use of the exercise in teaching grammar and in conversational practice classes in a foreign-language audience. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that this type of the exercise is for the first time considered in methodology as one of the factors in the formation of students’ discursive competence, in particular, its formal-logical component. As a result of the study, basing on the analysis, the ways of increasing the effectiveness of using this type of exercise in the formation of students’ discursive competence in the modern conditions of teaching Russian as a foreign language have been identified.
Key words and phrases: русский как иностранный, упражнение на соответствие, дискурсивная компетенция, коммуникативная компетенция, логическое мышление, Russian as a foreign language, compliance exercise, discursive competence, communicative competence, logical thinking
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