Discursive Means of Expressing Speech Aggression in the Russian and Chinese Media
Zhang Ludan
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
Submitted: 17.11.2021
Abstract. The aim of the study is to determine the discursive markers of the implementation of aggressive verbal behaviour in the news media space in Russia and China. The scientific originality of the research lies in a comprehensive description of the discursive parameters of speech aggression implementation in order to achieve the message sender’s communicative goals. The mechanisms of participants’ verbal aggressive behaviour in the news discourse of the Russian and Chinese mass media are described. As a result, it has been ascertained that the main thematic areas of the implementation of aggressive speech behaviour are politics, the military sphere, national interests, where the belligerent behaviour of communicants is manifested both at the explicit and implicit levels due to the semantic and cognitive mechanisms.
Key words and phrases: вербальная агрессия, дискурсивный анализ, новостной дискурс СМИ, языковая манипуляция, verbal aggression, discourse analysis, news media discourse, language manipulation
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