A Person’s Status through an Animal’s Status (by the Example of the French Metaphor "loup/wolf")
Borodulina Natalia Yurievna
Tambov State Technical University
Submitted: 13.12.2021
Abstract. The aim of the study is to identify the semantic and pragmatic status of the animalistic metaphor "loup/wolf" in the French language. Employing diachronic analysis, the researcher traces the characteristics of the metaphor, which are preserved in the fable and paremiological stock and accentuated in the language of modern business and politics. The study is novel in that it is the first to substantiate the statusness of the French animalistic metaphor, using the lexeme "loup/wolf" as an example. As a result, a person’s linguopragmatic status represented by the conceptual metaphor "loup/wolf" in modern French socio-economic and political discourses and its connections with national cultural codes have been determined.
Key words and phrases: анималистическая метафора, басня, архетипический концепт, культурный код, статус, animalistic metaphor, fable, archetypal concept, cultural code, status
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