Characteristic Features of Conceptual Sphere "Culture" in the British Media Discourse
Gorokhova (Akimtseva) Yulia Vladimirovna
Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
Submitted: 01.12.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the characteristic features of the conceptual sphere "culture" in the British media discourse. The article considers peculiarities of approaches to studying the conceptual sphere through a complex analysis of postulates of scientific paradigms. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that it develops an integrated algorithm of the conceptual sphere analysis in the context of the polyparadigmatic approach which gives a basis to identify the features of the conceptual sphere "culture" in the British media discourse. As a result, realization of the integrated algorithm of the analysis has allowed revealing the kernel conceptual features of the conceptual sphere "culture", as well as its periphery.
Key words and phrases: концептосфера, дискурс прессы Великобритании, полипарадигмальность, концепт, компоненты концептосферы, conceptual sphere, British media discourse, polyparadigmality, concept, components of conceptual sphere
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