The Functioning of the Lexeme "Жар-Птица" (Firebird) in the Russian Language
Zubkova Elena Nikolaevna
North-Caucasus Federal University
Submitted: 01.07.2021
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to examine the functioning of "жар-птица" (firebird) lexeme in the discourses of the second half of the XIX - the beginning of the XXI century, to analyze the actualization of its direct meaning in a figurative context. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in domestic linguistics the author analyzes the semantics of "жар-птица" (firebird) lexeme taking into account the specificity of its figurative usage. The conducted research allows concluding that in the modern Russian language the lexeme "жар-птица" (firebird) gradually loses semantic meanings associated with mythological anthropocentrism, in particular, the meaning "animateness".
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