Neologisms in the Field of Education during the Coronavirus Pandemic (by the Example of the German Language)
Nagumanova Vera Aleksandrovna
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University)
Submitted: 29.07.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify word formation features of the new vocabulary that reflects the transformations in the educational process during the pandemic in Germany and has been included in the dictionary of neologisms of the Institute for the German Language. Scientific novelty lies in classifying new lexical units that have appeared in the German language during the pandemic according to conceptual areas and their formation specifics. The attained results showed that most of the coinages are represented by nouns formed by compounding, with a third of them being of English origin or consisting of elements of English origin.
Key words and phrases: неологизм, образование, пандемия, немецкий язык, словарь неологизмов, neologism, education, pandemic, German language, dictionary of neologisms
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