Poem Genre Evolution in Akhsan Bayanov’s Creative Work
Nadyrshina Leysan Radifovna
G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 11.07.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to discover the basic tendencies of the poem genre evolution in Akhsan Bayanov’s creative work. Bayanov’s poetical works are examined in the context of the contemporary literary process; the article considers the following issues: themes and motives, problematic, genre and stylistic peculiarities, poetics of Bayanov’s poems written in different periods of his creativity. The researcher for the first time examines Bayanov’s lyro-epical heritage, identifies the key tendencies of the poem genre development, which constitutes scientific originality of the study. The research findings are as follows: the author traces evolution of Bayanov’s creative work - from early pathetic poems representing the atmosphere of his epoch to deep philosophical poems full of metaphorical images. The poet’s creative evolution influenced genre peculiarities of his poems.
Key words and phrases: поэма, жанр, татарская поэзия, Ахсан Баянов, образ, поэтика, poem, genre, Tatar poetry, Akhsan Bayanov, image, poetics
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