Linguistic Peculiarities of the Sicilian Courteous Poetry of the First Half of the XIII Century (by the Material of Stefano Protonotaro’s Canzone "Pir meu cori alligrari")
Furtsev Roman Vitaljevic
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 09.07.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal linguistic peculiarities of the Sicilian courteous poetry by the material of Stefano Protonotaro’s canzone written in Sicilian volgare. The researcher identifies distinctive features of the dialect under consideration in comparison with the literary Italian language, introduces new factual material into scientific circulation which has not been previously subjected to a linguistic analysis, and herein lies scientific originality of the study. As a result, it is shown that the canzone language is a variant of the Latinized vulgar language enriched by the Gallo-Roman borrowings. The dialect under study manifests deviations from the literary norm at all the language levels (orthographic, phonetic, lexical, grammatical).
Key words and phrases: итальянский язык, диалект, сицилийские поэты, Стефано Пронотаро, Italian language, dialect, Sicilian poets, Stefano Protonotaro
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