Use of Nonce Proper Names in the French Publicistic Discourse
Aksenova Marina Viktorovna, Kirillov Egor Andreevich, Merzlyakova Anna Vladimirovna
Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University
Submitted: 24.06.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to determine the structural and semantic features of the French nonce toponyms functioning in publicistic discourse. The article highlights the ways of word formation typical of creating nonce anthroponyms and toponyms. The connotative components of the meaning of this group of onyms are classified. Scientific novelty of the research lies in studying the connotative part of the semantics of a nonce onym that does not have an actually existing denotatum and in identifying predominance of the evaluative function over the individualising one in this group of proper names. As a result, the researchers have identified a productive stable model for creating nonce anthroponyms with a negative evaluative component, as well as two frequent models for creating nonce anthroponyms that can actualise both positive and negative evaluative components depending on their internal form and context.
Key words and phrases: окказионализм, топоним, антропоним, коннотация, оценочная функция, nonce word, toponym, anthroponym, connotation, evaluative function
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