Aspects of Semantic Derivation and Development of Polysemy in Synchronic-Diachronic Perspective (by the Example of the German Lexeme Sprache)
Tsvetaeva Elena Nikolaevna, Maltseva Elizaveta Igorevna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Submitted: 30.01.2021
Abstract. The article considers polysemantic nature of the notion "language" when describing art, using the example of the German lexeme Sprache. The purpose of the study is to identify semantic transition mechanisms in formation of the lexeme non-linguistic meanings. The study used the German-language etymological and special-purpose dictionaries, as well as encyclopaedias on the history and theory of art, which made it possible to trace development of the lexeme new meanings. Scientific novelty of the study lies in considering semantic transition as a tool of intersemiotic translation. The attained results have shown that specialised meaning formation of the lexeme Sprache in the metalanguage of art is carried out in two stages and is a transfer between the "language" and "art" systems.
Key words and phrases: семантическая деривация, семантический переход, язык, метаязык, semantic derivation, semantic transition, language, metalanguage
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