Reminiscence as Meaningful Component of Screenplay and Its Dubbed Version (by the Material of the American TV Series "Once Upon a Time")
Ryabko Yelena Igorevna
Pacific State University
Submitted: 14.07.2021
Abstract. The article examines specificity of reminiscence transfer in a screenplay and in its Russian dubbed version. The author traces the chain "source text - film text - dubbing script". Scientific originality of the paper lies in the fact that the researcher analyzes complicated interaction of the texts under study, linguistic units, linguo-cultural spaces and generated meanings. The findings are as follows: the author determines the means used to express intertextual reminiscences in film texts, reveals correlation of text meanings, identifies translation techniques to transfer the meaningful content of an original text.
Key words and phrases: интертекстуальность, реминисценция, кинотекст, киноперевод, языковая и культурная симметрия и асимметрия, intertextuality, reminiscence, film text, movie translation, linguistic and cultural symmetry/asymmetry
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