Structural-Semantic Peculiarities of Verbs of Touch in the Khanty Language
Nakhracheva Galina Leonidovna
Ob-Ugric Institute of Applied Researches and Development
Submitted: 27.06.2021
Abstract. The research objective includes developing a typology of verbs of touch in the Khanty language. The article examines semantics of the Khanty verbs of touch, reveals their word-formative potential. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the author for the first time provides a semantic analysis of the Khanty verbs of touch, classifies them depending on their semantic meaning. The research findings are as follows: the author for the first time compiles a full list of the Khanty verbs of touch, analyses their compatibility, proposes their semantic classification. The concept "touch" is represented by five frames: contact of an object with another object; mutual contact; contact producing sound; contact in motion; contact resulting in object removal.
Key words and phrases: лексическая типология, фреймовый подход, глагол, хантыйский язык, семантика, lexical typology, frame-based approach, verb, Khanty language, semantics
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