Lexical Borrowings in Manuscript Documents of the Collection "The Tamchinsky Datsan" (Fund 84) of the State Archives of the Republic of Buryatia
Bukhogolova Sayana Batuevna, Batomunkueva Soelma Rinchinovna
The Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Submitted: 17.05.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to specify features of the borrowed vocabulary of the Buryat language using the material of the documents of the State Archives of the Republic of Buryatia. The article is novel in that it is the first to identify linguistic features of the archival documents, carry out their systemisation and lexical analysis. The authors have presented information on the state project "Preservation and development of the Buryat language in the Republic of Buryatia", the main result of which amounted to the increased availability of these documents, creation of a new source base for researchers in various fields. As a result, it is ascertained that archival documents help to reveal the history of the Buddhist religion expansion and development within Buryatia territory and to determine the great degree of foreign vocabulary influence on the Buryat language.
Key words and phrases: лексика, монгольская письменность, архивный документ, vocabulary, Mongolian script, archival document
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