Mythological Imagery and Ritual Practices in the Novel "Aluminum Cucumber" by Kang Byoung Yoong
Galizhanova Svetlana Alexandrovna
Russian State University for the Humanities
Submitted: 10.07.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal mythological subtext in the novel "Aluminum Cucumber" (2013) of the modern Korean writer Kang Byoung Yoong. To achieve this objective, the researcher explores the symbolic image of an aluminum cucumber suggesting an allusion to Viktor Tsoi’s song. For the first time in the domestic literary criticism, the researcher analyzes Kang Byoung Yoong’s novel, examines the neo-mythological concepts functioning in the modern Korean literature, which constitutes scientific originality of the study. The conducted analysis allows identifying mythological motives in the novel: the image of an aluminum cucumber becomes a story-formative symbol representing motives of initiation, rebirth and revival.
Key words and phrases: корейская литература, Кан Бён Юн, роман "Я - Виктор Цой", символ, тема инициации, Korean literature, Kang Byoung Yoong, novel "Aluminum Cucumber", symbol, initiation motive
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