Scottish ?migr? Poetry of the XIX Century: Realia, Symbols, Motives
Velilaeva Lilia Raimovna
Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov
Submitted: 16.07.2021
Abstract. The article analyzes the Scottish ?migr? poetry of the XIX century. The paper traces transformation of the Scottish realia into symbols in the context of relevant motives of removal. The researcher identifies artistic peculiarities of poems in which realia acquire symbolic meaning, proposes a classification of motives of return to the Motherland, which constitutes scientific originality of the study. As a result, it is shown that the Scottish ?migr? poets described Motherland-Scotland as a "fairy world" transforming realia into symbols, which is typical for ?migr? discourse. The motive of "fairy world" is associated with motives of vision/dream/reverie and sea voyage.
Key words and phrases: Шотландия, поэзия шотландской эмиграции США XIX в, реалия, символ, мотив, Scotland, Scottish ?migr? poetry in the USA in the XIX century, realia, symbol, motive
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