Referential Status of Personal Names in the Function of Temporal Localizer in the English and Tatar Languages
Lutfullina Gulnara Firdavisovna
Kazan State Power Engineering University
Submitted: 13.05.2021
Abstract. The research objectives are as follows: to identify the referential status of personal names in the function of the temporal localizer in the English and Tatar languages, to reveal similarities and differences of the personal name functioning in the languages under study. Scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that the referential status of the English and Tatar personal names is for the first time examined taking into account their syntactic function. As a result, it is proved that in both the languages, personal names can function as temporal localizers possessing the interpretative referential status. In the English language, temporal prepositions are usually placed before the personal name, and in the Tatar language, temporal postpositions are placed after it. The Tatar language has a wider range of personal names capable to function as temporal localizers.
Key words and phrases: темпоральный локализатор, наименование лица, референциальный статус, temporal localizer, personal name, referential status
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