Easter Archetype in the Novella "The Old Woman" by Daniil Kharms
Korneev Alexander Vladimirovich
Tomsk State University
Submitted: 14.06.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to show expression of the Easter archetype in the novella "The Old Woman" by Daniil Kharms. The article demonstrates how the plot of the Easter archetype is realised in the novella "The Old Woman" through the principle of demythologisation and mythologisation, inversion of the archetypal plot. The Easter archetype is reconstructed basing on the motifs of expectation of miracle, miracle and resurrection. Miracle is understood as the narrator finding saving faith. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that the category of the Easter archetype is applied to Kharms’s creative work for the first time. As a result, it is proved that the Easter archetype is realised in the plot of the novella and the main semantic dominant of the novella "The Old Woman" is the principle of Easter and Christ’s resurrection.
Key words and phrases: Даниил Хармс, повесть "Старуха", архетип Пасхи, мифологизация, демифологизация, Daniil Kharms, novella "The Old Woman", Easter archetype, mythologisation, demythologisation
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