Originality of Images in A. Tubyli’s Romantic Poem "The Story of Prominent Farhad and His Beloved Shirin"
Khasavnekh Alsou Ahmadullovna, Mukhametzianova Liliia Khatipovna
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Institute of Language, Literature and Art
Submitted: 25.05.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal the main characters’ images in A. Tubyli’s epic poem "The Story of Prominent Farhad and His Beloved Shirin". Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in the domestic literary criticism, the researchers describe images of Farhad and Shirin in A. Tubyli’s epic poem, identify their unique features which are absent in "Khosrow and Shirin / Farhad and Shirin" poems by such authors as Nizami Ganjavi, A. Nava’i, Jami. The findings indicate that A. Tubyli’s lyro-epical poem is an original literary work that synthesizes literary and folkloric stories, images and motives.
Key words and phrases: А. Тубыли, авторская интерпретация, Фархад и Ширин, эпическая поэма, назира, A. Tubyli, authorial interpretation, Farhad and Shirin, epic poem, nazira
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