Evolution of Noun Declension Category in the Russian and Armenian Languages
Chilingaryan Kamo Pavelovich
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN)
Submitted: 11.05.2021
Abstract. The research aims to identify the main factors that determined different directions of evolutionary development of case systems in two Indo-European languages (Armenian and Russian) and results of their dynamic changes which became fixed in the modern synchronic state. The work is novel in that it finds correlation between evolutionary development of the grammatical category of declension and nominal inflection and general trends in typological evolution of the Armenian and Russian languages. The research findings have shown that differences in ways of forming the noun as a grammatical unit of utterance in Armenian and Russian have deep historical origins and are of systemic nature.
Key words and phrases: агглютинация, морфология, сопоставление родственных языков, диахроническая типология, флексия, agglutination, morphology, comparison of related languages, diachronic typology, inflectional ending
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