Features of Functioning of Stylistic Figures and Syntactic Forms in Vera Polozkova’s Poetry
Diupina Iuliia Vladimirovna, Yakovleva Anna Sergeevna, Stebunova Evgeniya Igorevna
Tyumen Industrial University
Submitted: 18.04.2021
Abstract. The study aims to determine distinctive nature of and features peculiar to syntactic organisation of Vera Polozkova’s poetry. The article attempts to identify predominant syntactic features of the author’s poetry and assess significance of poetic syntax phenomena. The work is novel in that it is the first to make an attempt to give a systematic description of syntactic features of Vera Polozkova’s poetic style, which made it possible to identify certain phenomena that are representative of her poetry such as the highest possible concentration of coordinated structures and syntactic parallelism underlying the composition of entire works. The results of the study convincingly illustrate direct relationship between the considered syntactic phenomena and the author’s individual style.
Key words and phrases: поэтический синтаксис, структурная организация текста, текстообразование, ритмическая структура стихотворения, poetic syntax, structural organisation of text, text production, rhythmic structure of poem
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