Speech Strategies of Contemporary English-Language Political Discourse
Sukhomlina Tatyana Alexandrovna
Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
Submitted: 07.05.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to determine functions, compositional and linguistic features of political discourse and politicians’ speech strategies of self-presentation. The article examines contemporary political discourse in which linguistic personalities do not represent themselves, their own persons, but a certain organisation. Scientific novelty of the research lies in identifying functional, compositional and linguistic features of the English-language political discourse. As a result, it is proved that political discourse is a public sphere of communication where participants play a special role in the society, and political life serves as a subject of their communication. The author argues that a politician’s image, which is created on the basis of their self-presentation, i.e. a public persona, speech strategies for addressing the audience, as well as political parties’ names, is extremely important in order to achieve success in political activities.
Key words and phrases: политический дискурс, речевые стратегии, композиционные и языковые особенности, political discourse, speech strategies, compositional and linguistic features
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