Tendencies of Venture Capital Terminology Development in the English Language
Ivina Liudmila Valerievna, Perlova Olga Vladimirovna, Chelikova Alexandra Vladislavovna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Submitted: 11.05.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to determine the vector of the venture capital terminology development in the English language. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the authors for the first time trace evolution of the English terminological system of the subject area "Venture Capital" from 2001 till nowadays. The conducted research allows drawing the following conclusions: the terminology replenishment process has slowed down in comparison with the initial period; percentage of binary and multicomponent terms has decreased; metaphorization has become the basic term-formative means; the venture capital terminology remains an integral part of the financial and economic terminology.
Key words and phrases: терминосистема венчурного финансирования, термин, терминология, терминообразование, venture capital terminological system, term, terminology, term formation
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