Metaphor in Headline of Online English-Language Media Text
Varzapova Viktoriya Yuryevna, Khrusheva Tatyana Valeryevna
Pacific National University
Submitted: 11.05.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to determine metaphor specificity in the English-language headline and consider it as a semiotic whole by describing functions, form and content of this phenomenon in the headline of the English-language mass media. The research is novel in that it is the first to carry out a comprehensive study of metaphor as a meaning-making and text-producing component of the English-language headline, to address the compressing function of metaphor in relation to the headline and consider productive syntactic models for expressing metaphor in the text of the headline. As a result of the research, metaphor functions in the headline of an online media text are identified and described; its formal and content-related features are studied.
Key words and phrases: метафора, сетевой медиатекст, заголовок, прагматический потенциал, metaphor, online media text, headline, pragmatic potential
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