Durative and Iterative Verbs in the Khwarshi Language: Representation in the "Khwarshi-Russian Dictionary"
Khalilov Madzhid Sharipovich
Institute for Language, Literature and Arts DFSC RAS
Submitted: 16.05.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to identify and describe simple (primary) verb stems and derived durative, iterative and causative verbs in the Khwarshi language. The forms under study are absent in the related Dagestan languages. Scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that the author for the first time analyses functioning of iterative, durative and causative verb forms in the Khwarshi language by the rich factual material. The research findings are as follows: the author justifies the necessity to include iterative-durative-causative verbs and derived masdar and participial forms in a newly developed "Khwarshi-Russian Dictionary".
Key words and phrases: дуратив, итератив, каузатив, глагол, хваршинский язык, durative, iterative, causative, verb, Khwarshi language
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