Koshkendey Igor Mikhailovich
Tuva State University
Submitted: 14.05.2020
Abstract. The article analyses toponymic appellatives (geographical names, components of compound toponyms) functioning in the Tuvan chastushka. The research objectives are as follows: to identify and describe appellative vocabulary in the Tuvan chastushka toponymy. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in the Tuvan linguistics, the author examines the functioning of appellatives and toponyms with the appellative component in the Tuvan chastushka. As a result, it is proved that in chastushkas, appellatives function in the structure of micro-toponyms, which distinguishes chastushka language from folk song language.
Key words and phrases: тувинский язык, народные припевки, язык фольклора, апеллятивы, топонимы, Tuvinian language, chastushkas, folklore language, appellatives, toponyms
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