Historical Background of Formation of Terminology Belonging to Subject Area "Water Supply": Corpus-Based Research
Novikova Aleksandra Alekseevna
Saint-Petersburg State University
Submitted: 14.04.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to determine the factors contributing to formation of the terminology belonging to the subject area "Water Supply". The article considers the question of how frequency behaviour of previously identified terms influences relevant terminological system. Scientific novelty of the research lies in correlating linguistic representation of water supply in Russia with historical periods that had a significant impact on the terminology of the subject area "Water Supply". The research findings have shown that dynamics of frequency of using the terms indicates that these concepts are of significance in the society and that extralinguistic factors influence formation of the terminology belonging to the subject area to a greater extent.
Key words and phrases: терминология, терминосистема, термин, язык для специальных целей, корпус текстов, terminology, terminological system, term, language for specific purposes, text corpus
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