Phonetic Features of the Japanese Dialectisms in Fairy Tale Texts (by the Material of the Yamagata Prefecture Dialect)
Rufova Elena Stepanovna, Ignatieva Yuma Leonidovna
North-Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 14.04.2021
Abstract. The article addresses the issue of studying dialects of the Japanese language. The purpose of the research is to identify the Japanese phonetic dialectisms typical of the Yamagata Prefecture dialect. The research is novel in that it is the first to consider aspects of using phonetic dialectisms based on texts of folklore fairy tales. The study results in the conclusion that the distinguishing peculiarity of the phonetic dialectisms of Yamagata is nasalisation of initial sounds in words, while the main feature of realisation of phonetic dialectisms in texts of fairy tales is their localisation in everyday sphere of communication, which explains the fact that dialect units found their way into all the subsystems of the national language.
Key words and phrases: диалект, диалектизмы, диалекты Японии, текст, фонетические диалектизмы, dialect, dialectisms, dialects of Japan, text, phonetic dialectisms
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