Relationship between Manipulative Tactics and Speaker’s Extrapersonal Attitudes (by the Material of the English Everyday Dialogues)
Konovalenko Tatiana Georgievna, Kashirskaia Kseniia Sergeevna
Institute of the Service Sector and Entrepreneurship (branch) of DSTU
Submitted: 06.04.2021
Abstract. The article is devoted to studying manipulative dialogues from the standpoint of various interpersonal and extrapersonal attitudes of communication subjects. The paper aims to determine relationship between extrapersonal attitudes and manipulative tactics in the English everyday dialogues. The study is novel in that it is the first to identify relationship between methods of manipulative influence (tactics) and a speaker’s extrapersonal attitudes, to propose an analysis and to make a quantification of the tactics and attitudes. The attained results have shown that skilful use of certain language resources for the purpose of covertly influencing an addressee’s behavioural activities with the speaker taking an extrapersonal attitude is mainly realised through tactics of distortion, substitution and concealment.
Key words and phrases: коммуникация, манипулирование, межличностные и внеличностные установки, речевые тактики, communication, manipulation, interpersonal and extrapersonal attitudes, speech tactics
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