Early Self-Identification Model of K. Kinchev’s Cognitive-Pragmatic Programme: "Prophet of Heroic Quasi-Religion"
Ivanov Dmitry Igorevich
Xi'an International Studies University
Submitted: 14.04.2021
Abstract. The study aims to determine features of the early self-identification model of K. Kinchev’s cognitive-pragmatic programme. The paper is novel in that it is the first to show how features of destructive and simulative "heroic quasi-religion" manifest themselves in this model. The attained results have shown that constructive and destructive nature of Kinchev’s self-identification model produces not a person’s spiritual rebirth but "quasi-religion" based on principles of internal self-suppression and self-denial. As a result, an unstable system of simulated "copies" ("hero", "rebel", "shaman", "experimenter", "antichrist", "puppeteer", "megastar", etc.) emerges in the rock poet’s consciousness.
Key words and phrases: когнитивно-прагматическая программа, "героическая" модель, двойственность, квазирелигия, ложная самоидентификация, "heroic" model, cognitive-pragmatic programme, duality, quasi-religion, false self-identification
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