Ways for Implementing Communicative Strategies in Collective Speech Portrait of the Modern German Politicians (by the Material of Ceremonial Speeches Texts)
Tsvetkova Ekaterina Borisovna
Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Submitted: 15.04.2021
Abstract. The study aims to identify relevant ways for lexical implementation of speech strategies that underlie formation of collective and individual speech portraits of the leading German political figures basing on their ceremonial speeches. Scientific novelty of the study lies in developing a typology of strategies and tactics peculiar to ceremonial speeches of the leading German politicians. As a result, it is proved that in the sphere of ceremonial speeches, the collective speech portrait of the German politicians is structured in the process of using such universal strategies as the strategy of strict regulation of speech, the strategy of creating positive emotional mood, the strategy of argumentation and the strategy of cooperation, as well as the strategy of self-presentation, which is uncharacteristic of classical ceremonial speeches.
Key words and phrases: протокольно-этикетная речь, коммуникативные стратегии, коллективный речевой портрет, политический дискурс, ceremonial speech, communicative strategies, collective speech portrait, political discourse
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