Stereotype of Female Politician in the American Mass Media Discourse
Koval Aleksandra Arturovna
Far Eastern Federal University
Submitted: 25.02.2021
Abstract. The article addresses the topical issue of the shift in collective beliefs about the role that men and women play in the society, as a result of which new gender stereotypes arise in a language. The paper aims to identify discursive tools for constructing the stereotype of a female politician in the mass media discourse of the USA. Scientific novelty of the work is accounted for by taking the interdisciplinary approach to studying the issue and lies in identifying discursive technologies for constructing the modern stereotype of a female politician in the USA. As a result, the researcher has identified the most reproducible features of this gender stereotype, determined that there is a gender shift in the American culture, and described its nature and intensity.
Key words and phrases: массмедийный дискурс, гендер, гендерный стереотип, лингвокультурология, mass media discourse, gender, gender stereotype, linguoculturology
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