Motif of Blindness in Margaret Atwood’s Novel "The Blind Assassin"
Isaeva Anna Nikolaevna
State University of the Humanities and Social Studies
Submitted: 07.04.2021
Abstract. The study aims to determine the purpose for which Margaret Atwood (the Canadian writer) refers to mythological motifs in her novel "The Blind Assassin" and how this is embodied in the text. The article examines how the motif of blindness, which is characteristic of many mythologies, is manifested through the novel’s compositional features. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the role of the motif of blindness in M. Atwood’s novel "The Blind Assassin" is examined for the first time. In doing so, mythological and comparative research methods were used. As a result, it is proved that the motif of blindness manifests itself at different levels and in different senses in the novel "The Blind Assassin".
Key words and phrases: Дата поступления рукописи: 07.04.2021, Маргарет Этвуд, мотив слепоты, роман в романе, ремифологизация, типология функций использования мифов, Margaret Atwood, motif of blindness, novel within novel, remythologisation, typology of functions of myth usage
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