Linguocultural and Linguistic Features of the French Phraseological Units with Religious Component
Skachkova Lyubov Vladislavovna, Karaseva Dina Vadimovna
Bryansk State University named after Academician Ivan Georgiyevich Petrovsky
Submitted: 16.02.2021
Abstract. The research aims to determine cultural and linguistic specificity of phraseological phrases containing a component related to religious culture of France. Scientific novelty of the research lies in conducting a linguocultural analysis of little-studied idiomatic material - the French phraseological units containing names of ranks and positions of the Catholic Church. It is the first time that they are systematised according to the types of grammatical structures and as belonging to a particular thematic group. As a result, the researchers have identified certain features of the spiritual content of a phraseological unit and its sign component.
Key words and phrases: французский язык, фразеологизмы, религиозный компонент, French language, phraseological units, religious component
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