Frame Analysis of the English-Language Transport Logistics Terminology
Karavayskaya Olga Sergeevna
Omsk State Transport University
Submitted: 12.02.2021
Abstract. The research objective includes developing a frame model of the English-language transport logistics terminology. The English terms of the subject area "Transport Logistics" served as the research material. The article examines specificity of frame-based terminology modelling, proposes an algorithm of frame modelling. The basic frame is identified, sub-frames are distinguished, and their interrelations are revealed. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that relying on recent extra-linguistic data and on the existing classifications, the researcher for the first time proposes a frame-based classification of terms, which makes it possible to develop a concise model of a terminological system. As a result, the researcher presents a frame model that shows conceptual-semantic relations of terminological units.
Key words and phrases: термин, терминосистема транспортной логистики, фреймовая модель, term, transport logistics terminology, frame model
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