Developing Individual Path of Teaching a Foreign Language to Ensure Sustainable Development of Educational System
Vasbieva Dinara Giniyatullovna
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Submitted: 18.01.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to develop an individual trajectory of teaching a foreign language to non-linguistic students. According to the author, relevance of this trajectory is conditioned by digitalization of learning environments and by the current economic situation in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that relying on pedagogical design methods and the data analysis method, the researcher constructs an individual trajectory of teaching a foreign language. The research findings are as follows: the author suggests an individual trajectory of teaching a foreign language, which promotes formation of innovative educational environment, increases students’ motivation for learning.
Key words and phrases: индивидуальная траектория, цифровой след, образовательная траектория, иноязычная образовательная среда, цифровой профиль, individual trajectory, digital footprin, educational trajectory, foreign language educational environment, digital profile
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