Illusion of Reality as Basis for Dramaturgic Conflict in A. Volodin’s Creative Work
Meshchanskii Aleksandr Yur'evich, Savelova Lyubov' Anatol'evna
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov
Submitted: 10.02.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to provide an insight into specificity of A. Volodin’s artistic worldview by analysing dramaturgic conflict in his creative work. The study is novel in that it is the first to analyse content of the plays "The Factory Girl", "Five Evenings" and "The Appointment" from the modal-evaluative perspective: such a semantic category as illusion of reality is considered as a basis for dramaturgic conflict in these plays. The research findings consist in identifying specificity of the axiological orientation peculiar to the author’s worldview of Volodin the dramatist, in revealing that modal frame of illusoriness highlights the issue of losing emotional and spiritual ties in the society whose representatives live in different realities.
Key words and phrases: А. Володин, советская драматургия, драматургический конфликт, картина мира драматурга, иллюзия реальности, A. Volodin, Soviet dramaturgy, dramaturgic conflict, dramatist’s worldview, illusion of reality
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