Artistic Realization of "Post-Literary" Cultural and Philosophical Models in Modern Literature (by the Material of V. Sorokin’s Novel "Manaraga")
Garipova Gulchira Talgatovna
Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs
Submitted: 15.12.2020
Abstract. The paper aims to reveal specificity of artistic realization of the "anti-Barth" world model based on the formula "the world isn’t a text" in V. Sorokin’s novel "Manaraga". Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the researcher for the first time provides a comprehensive analysis of cultural and philosophical, sociological, artistic components of the "post-literary" world model constituting architectonics of the futurological "civilizing project" in V. Sorokin’s culturological anti-utopia. The findings indicate that in V. Sorokin’s novel, hyper-textual semantics of "alleged worlds" is represented through inter-texts of the semiotic space "biblioclasm", which implicitly contain logic of destruction of the "civilized mankind".
Key words and phrases: миромоделирование, В. Сорокин, возможный мир, антиутопия, библиоклазм, world modelling, V. Sorokin, alleged world, anti-utopia, biblioclasm
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