Life Choices: The Spanish Civil War in the Novel "La Vie r?v?e d’Ernesto G." ("The Amazing Life of Ernesto Che") by Jean-Michel Guenassia
Ivanova Nina Vladimirovna
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
Submitted: 08.02.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the role of the Spanish Civil War theme in the novel "La Vie r?v?e d’Ernesto G." ("The Amazing Life of Ernesto Che") by the modern French writer Jean-Michel Guenassia. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the researcher for the first time analyses events of the Spanish Civil War on which Guenassia’s novel is based. The conducted analysis allows concluding that the Spanish Civil War theme plays a key role in developing the main personage’s story unveiled through conflicts, which allows the author to create plot twists and to reveal the main personage’s character.
Key words and phrases: современная французская литература, современный французский роман, Жан-Мишель Генассия, "Удивительная жизнь Эрнесто Че", гражданская война в Испании, "La Vie r?v?e d’Ernesto G." ("The Amazing Life of Ernesto Che"), modern French literature, modern French novel, Jean-Michel Guenassia, Spanish Civil War
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