Specularity of Water Surface in the Silver Age Poetry
Avdonina Lyonora Nikolayevna, Gordeeva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, Bulatova Albina Olegovna
Penza State University
Submitted: 06.02.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to identify the features peculiar to symbolism of specularity using lyrical works by the Russian poets of the Silver Age K. D. Balmont, V. Ya. Bryusov, N. S. Gumilyov, M. A. Voloshin, A. A. Blok as examples. The article considers literary texts where water surface is deemed to be a mirror and identifies correlation between symbolism of specularity and the author’s viewpoint. The study is novel in that it highlights symbolism of water surface as a separate study subject. As a result, it is found that symbolism of natural mirror is characterised by duality in perception of the surrounding world, conveys illusory nature of being, greatness of history and eternality of human passions, relates to motifs of fire and death.
Key words and phrases: символика зеркальности, символика водной поверхности, лирический герой, мотив огня, мотив смерти, symbolism of specularity, symbolism of water surface, persona, motif of fire, motif of death
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