Metaphorical Representation of the Media Image of the Armed Forces (by the Example of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army)
Kalinin Oleg Igorevich, Radus Larisa Aleksandrovna
Military University of the Ministry of Defense; Moscow State Linguistic University
Military University of the Ministry of Defense
Submitted: 07.11.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to identify the specificity of the metaphorical content of the image of Russian and Chinese armed forces. The paper clarifies the role that metaphors play in the formation of an institutional image in media discourse, substantiates the possibility of studying metaphors to identify the specificity of the conceptual understanding of socio-political concepts. Scientific novelty of the research lies in accentuating the image-building function of metaphor and conducting a practical analysis of the metaphorical representation of the media image of Russian and Chinese armies. The research findings have shown that the "unity with the people" and the "ability to defend the country" form the basis of the image of the Chinese armed forces, while the image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation does not have a systematic metaphorical manifestation, the metaphors used for the Russian Army are isolated cases.
Key words and phrases: медиаобраз вооруженных сил, метафорический образ, метафорическая репрезентация, media image of the armed forces, metaphorical image, metaphorical representation
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