Keywords Extraction on the Topic "Образование/Education"
Bashmakova Anastasiia Yurievna
University of Tyumen
Submitted: 26.10.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the keywords features of the thematic field "Образование/Education" in the Russian and English languages. The article describes the stages of the automated parsing of the news articles from the websites of the educational online portals "EDU-Inform" and "Education Today Magazine" for corpus creation. The study also pays significant attention to the linguistic analysis of the extracted keywords. The scientific originality of the research consists in the interdisciplinary consideration of the issue of keywords studying and usage of computer programming instruments for the automated natural language text processing. As a result, the research presents the visualization of the thematic field "Образование/Education" for the Russian and English languages in the form of a word cloud.
Key words and phrases: компьютерная лингвистика, извлечение ключевых слов, образование, облако слов, computational linguistics, keyword extraction, education, BERT, word cloud
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