Dualism in the Lexical System of Special English for Radiotelephony Communication in Aviation
Lysenko Sergey Vladimirovich
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University); Military University
Submitted: 25.10.2021
Abstract. The research aims to analyze the features peculiar to the lexical system of special English for radiotelephony communication in aviation. The paper is novel in that it is the first to analyze the impact of the phenomena of language redundancy and language means economy on the formation and functioning of the lexical system of the radiotelephony communication language in aviation. The research findings prove that the balanced interaction of these two mechanisms determines and regulates the use of the specific lexical means that facilitate generation and perception of utterances even under difficult communication conditions in speech.
Key words and phrases: авиационные термины, аббревиатуры, стандартные слова и выражения, радиообмен в авиации, aviation terms, abbreviations, standardized phraseology, radiotelephony communication in aviation
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