The Implicational of Author’s Irony in A. I. Kuprin’s Legend "Four Beggars"
Kuznetsova Anna Vladimirovna
Southern Federal University
Submitted: 13.11.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to describe the specificity of the author’s irony implicational by identifying the linguistic means of its realization. The article focuses on the special role of the author’s irony in the process of transformation of the genre canon within the synthesis of narrative strategies which require participation in their organization of irony as collision of the implicit and the explicit. The scientific originality of the research consists in studying A. I. Kuprin’s legend "Four Beggars" from the point of view of the functional-semantic approach and revealing the pragmatics of implicitness in a literary text. As a result, it has been revealed that A. I. Kuprin’s "Four Beggars" is a novelistic text during the creation of which the narrative strategies of a legend, parable and anecdote were transformed, and the linguistic means of the author’s irony - introductory words, parenthetic constructions, contrastive contexts organized on the basis of oppositional relations between lexemes and collocations of usual and occasional nature - are represented in both the author’s and the characters’ narrative zones.
Key words and phrases: импликационал, ирония, жанровый канон, нарративная стратегия, легенда, the implicational, irony, genre canon, narrative strategy, legend
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