Some Aspects of Polysuffixal Method of Participle Formation in the Ossetian and Persian Languages
Kachmazova Ezetkhan Sergeevna
North Ossetian State University named after K. L. Khetagurov
Submitted: 14.10.2021
Abstract. The paper aims to identify the features of the polysuffixal method of participle formation in the Ossetian and Persian languages in the comparative aspect. The study pays significant attention to the description and analysis of the positions of the polysuffixal method of participle formation in the mentioned languages. The scientific originality of the research consists in its integrated consideration of the polysuffixal method of participle formation in the Ossetian and Persian languages in the comparative aspect. As a result, the methods of polysuffixal formation of Ossetian and Persian participles in the comparative aspect have been identified, the following conclusions have been made: Ossetian participles in the considered aspect have a more active system, while Persian participles are recognized as less active.
Key words and phrases: персидский язык, осетинский язык, полисуффиксальный способ, именные части речи, функциональность причастий, Persian language, Ossetian language, polysuffixal method, nominal parts of speech, functionality of participles
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