Linguistic Features of Expressing Gender Stereotypes in Political Communication (by the Example of Public Speech of British and American Establishment Representatives)
Stanchuliak Tatiana Gennadievna, Zhukova Alexandra Igorevna
RUDN University
Submitted: 14.11.2021
Abstract. The article reflects the results of the linguistic research devoted to the studies of the interconnection between the intentions of political discourse and language means used by male and female gender representatives to realize them. The paper aims to reveal the relationship between language means typical for representatives of each gender and functions of political discourse contributing to the realization of its key intention - to obtain political power. The scientific originality of the research lies in the fact that it considers the interdependence of gender stereotypes and language means of representation of political discourse intentions. As a result, the study has identified the gender differences in the means of language representation of political intentions of British and American establishment representatives occurring at different language levels.
Key words and phrases: гендер, гендерный стереотип, политический дискурс, функции политической коммуникации, gender, gender stereotype, political discourse, functions of political communication
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