Metaphorical Concepts WHEEL MECHANISM, GAME, THEATRE as a Means of Emotivity Category Realization in German Publicistic Texts of Juridical Subject Area
Skotnikova Tatyana Andreevna
Moscow State Linguistic University
Submitted: 06.10.2021
Abstract. The article examines the problem of establishing efficient communication between specialists and non-specialists by the example of the German-language publicistic texts of juridical subject area. The research objective includes analyzing the process of juridical vocabulary metaphorization in German-language publicistic texts of juridical subject area. Metaphorization is considered as a means to popularize professional juridical language in German social-political discourse, which promotes efficient legal communication. Scientific originality of the study involves cognitive -discursive analysis of metaphors as a means of emotivity category realization in the modern German language. The following conclusions are justified: journalists use metaphors to ensure adequate understanding of legal situations and to emotionalize legal issues, which promotes recipient’s adequate perception of highly specialized texts.
Key words and phrases: метафора, метафорический концепт, метафорическая модель, эмотема, правовой медиадискурс, metaphor, metaphorical concept, metaphorical model, emotheme, legal media discourse
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