Metaphorical Interpretation of Movement Accompanied with Sounding in the Scots Dialect of English
Nadeina Luiza Vasilievna, Shvagrukova Ekaterina Vasilievna
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Submitted: 31.10.2021
Abstract. The research aims to determine the ways of figurative interpretation of movement accompanied with sounding in the Scots dialectal metaphor. Scientific novelty of the paper lies in the following fact: the semantics of movement accompanied with sounding and presented by a group of verbs with the meaning of displacement taken from the Scots dialect is studied and described as a basis for creating a system of metaphorical images. Having analysed this group of Scots dialectal verbal lexemes, the authors have concluded that the "sound" component appears to be the main characteristic underlying the metaphorical transfer of verbs. As a result, it has been determined that the images of this type of movement serve as a source sphere for metaphorical interpretation of speech behaviour, actions and physiological aspects of people’s existence.
Key words and phrases: глаголы движения, шотландский диалект, метафора, сема, звук, verbs of movement, Scots, metaphor, seme, sound
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