The Role of Diminutive and Augmentative Suffixes in the Formation of Corona-Related Neologisms (by the Material of the "Russian COVID-19 Dictionary")
Popova Olga Aleksandrovna, Grigorova Elena Alekseevna
Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
Submitted: 07.11.2021
Abstract. The research objective is as follows: the authors try to identify the participation of diminutive and augmentative suffixes in the formation of corona-related neologisms. Scientific originality of the study includes analyzing newly appeared diminutives and augmentatives included in the "Russian COVID-19 Dictionary" (2021). Collective monograph "Russian Language of the Pandemic Period" (2021) contains articles devoted to analyzing current linguistic phenomena, but the role of evaluative suffixes in the formation of corona-related neologisms was not previously investigated. As a result, it is proved that diminutive and augmentative suffixes represent emotions, transfer different shades of expressive meaning and play an important role in word creation process during the pandemic.
Key words and phrases: диминутивы, аугментативы, словообразование, словарь, коронавирус, diminutives, augmentatives, word formation, dictionary, coronavirus
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