Recycling of Soviet Culture in Victor Pelevin’s Prose
Andrianova Maria Dmitrievna
Saint-Petersburg University of the Humanities and Social Sciences
Submitted: 07.11.2021
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to analyse the functions that recycling of Soviet culture performs in V. Pelevin’s works. The paper defines recycling and determines its significant role in postmodernist texts. The researcher considers both Pelevin’s early creative work and later texts, identifies the evolutionary nature of recycling of Soviet culture in his creative work. The study is novel in that it is the first to consider Pelevin’s creative work through the lens of recycling. As a result, variability of Pelevin’s attitude to Soviet culture (ranging from irony to nostalgia) has been shown. In addition to debunking Soviet myths, various ways of recycling of Soviet culture are being identified, including secondary mythologisation of characters or events already mythologised in Soviet times.
Key words and phrases: постмодернизм, ресайклинг, Пелевин, советская культура, postmodernism, recycling, Pelevin, Soviet culture
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